Preston from California – AIM participant since August 2010

AIM ProgramTestimonial

In August 2010, before I had even read the book “Sanctuary,” I enrolled my son in the AIM Program after hearing on a radio show that the program could help individuals with Autism. He was 5 years old at the time and he was far behind with his verbal communication skills. I sent the application to EMC² with my payment and they informed me they placed him on the AIM Autism Scholarship Program at no charge. I was surprised that an organization would not accept my payment, and still put my son on their program!

At his 5-month life force recheck, EMC² informed me that the Autism Frequency was no longer present in him, and his life force was climbing. By his first anniversary, he had reached a life force of 100, and we noticed his progress was happening at a much faster rate than before he started self-healing with the AIM Program.

I was so convinced that the AIM Program was helping him self-heal, that I finally read “Sanctuary” to find out more about the program. After reading “Sanctuary,” my wife and I enrolled in the AIM Program to understand what our son was going through, and to assist us with our own self-healing as well.

Since being on AIM, our whole family has gained perspective and expanded our consciousness, which has resulted in continual improvement in the quality of our lives. And our son is doing phenomenal! As an additional bonus, he had a special recheck in December 2012 for something resembling eczema on his arms that he has had since he was two years-old, and that has continually given him discomfort. EMC² discovered an energetic imbalance in him not previously on the AIM Program, and he has self-healed his rash and itching. We are truly grateful for what our family has been able to self-heal and continues to self-heal through the AIM Program.

Thank you, AIM!