1OrangeButton 30 Self-Discovery is the Purpose of Life
2OrangeButton 30 Universal Energy
3OrangeButton 30 Energetic Balance and Imbalance
4OrangeButton 30 All Religions are True
5OrangeButton 30 Scriptural Support for our Beliefs
6OrangeButton 30 Holographic Nature of the Universe
7OrangeButton 30 Self-Responsibility
8OrangeButton 30 Everything is Conscious

9OrangeButton 30 Quantum Consciousness
10OrangeButton 30 Energetic Balancing Is a Form of Prayer
11OrangeButton 30 Reincarnation
12OrangeButton 30 Karma and Transcendence
13OrangeButton 30 Photograph Connection
14OrangeButton 30 Disclaimer of Medical Benefits
15OrangeButton 30 There is Always More

1OrangeButton 20 Self-Discovery is the Purpose of Life

Self-Discovery, the process of uniting us with our true Self which is divine in nature, is the purpose of life. The energetic balancing process used by the Church is a sacrament for accomplishing the goal of Self-Discovery.

2OrangeButton 20 Universal Energy

Physics shows us that E=mc2. Thus, only one thing makes up the universe. This thing is energy, which is Divine and, as such, can be neither created nor destroyed. Energy is without boundaries or limits. Since we ourselves are part of it, we are actually all of it, although we may at times find it difficult to perceive this, by virtue of our mortality. The perception of our separateness is created by our imbalances which make us unable to continually and fully experience our connection to the universe. Transcending this illusion is the purpose of life. Our practice of energetic balancing is a sacramental process which helps us to achieve true consciousness of ourselves and the Divine energy flow around and through us.

3OrangeButton 20Energetic Balance and Imbalance

Energetic imbalance prevents us from achieving our goal of Self-Discovery. Energetic balancing removes energetic imbalances which weaken our energetic constitution. Further, our energetic balance can be enhanced by the addition of frequencies which reinforce the energetic constitution of an individual.

4OrangeButton 20 All Regligions are True

All religions are true. This is not to say that all religions are The One Truth. Instead, all religions are valid descriptions of the path which the ministry of EMC² also describes: That what we perceive as reality is an illusion, in that we often only perceive and understand a small fraction of any reality. This vision and knowledge is called consciousness. Our path and purpose is to expand that consciousness, which is the ability to perceive and know reality. Further, total consciousness is absolute energy and is a description of divinity by whatever name it is called. Our path is to realize that consciousness/divinity to the greatest extent possible.

5OrangeButton 20 Scriptural Support for our Beliefs

Biblical support for the Divine Consciousness and Universal Energy theories come in the form of the Biblical statements God is Light, God is in all things and of Him all things are made, and many other examples. Many spiritual teachings and traditions other than Christian scripture, and even certain aspects of the theoretical sciences, provide relevant transcendental knowledge.

6OrangeButton 20 Holographic Nature of the Universe

In keeping with the idea that God is light and various other religious and scientific doctrines, EMC² holds that the universe and we ourselves are essentially holograms of frozen energy.

7OrangeButton 20 Self-Responsibility

EMC² teaches self-responsibility. Self-responsibility means acknowledging that we are the cause of everything in our own lives. Self-responsibility means accepting the power that we truly wield as infinite and eternal beings. Denial of our self-responsibility means giving up that power and becoming victims of our environment.

8OrangeButton 20 Everything is Conscious

EMC² believes in the miraculous nature of the universe. By this we mean that the universe exists solely as a manifestation of the Universal Consciousness. Because each thing is a manifestation of the Universal Consciousness, everything is conscious.

9OrangeButton 20 Quantum Consciousness

The smallest unit of consciousness that can be measured is what we call the Quantum Consciousness Unit. We measure these Quantum Consciousness Units in the process of energetic analysis using our hardware/software/consciousness system which we call the Quantum-Consciousness Evaluation Device or QED.

10OrangeButton 20 Energetic Balancing Is a Form of Prayer

In the way that other religions use mantras and prayer, we use energetic balancing. We take the precise mantra or prayer, which we call subtle-energy frequencies, that is indicated by our energetic analysis process. These subtle-energies can be taken in the form of a holy water in which they have been infused (though this process is no longer used) or the subtle-energies can be transmitted to a person directly through his or her photograph.

11OrangeButton 20 Reincarnation

Our Energetic Matrix is eternal and it manifests repeatedly in our past and future lives.

12OrangeButton 20 Karma and Transcendence

We carry karma from past lives and this life. Each individual is the caretaker of his or her own karma. Removing negative karma brings improvement in this and future lives. Negative karma can be erased via energetic balancing. Many, but not all, people can eliminate all their negative karma in this lifetime.

13OrangeButton 20 Photographs Connect Directly to and from the Person or Thing Photographed

Each part of a hologram contains the entire information of the whole. This principle manifests itself in the ability to use a photograph to help the person depicted remove subtle energy imbalances from what EMC² calls their Energetic Matrix. A photograph contains the complete subtle-energy information about the individual(s) depicted and can be used to transmit or receive that energy.

14OrangeButton 20 Disclaimer of Medical Benefits to Energetic Balancing

Some of the results of the Energetic Analysis Sacrament of EMC² are described in terms that sound much like the terms used by medical doctors. In fact, the similarities exist in name only. The energetic ministry of EMC² examines only subtle energy. It is the belief of EMC² that subtle-energy imbalances deal with the fundamental energy of the universe itself: Consciousness. EMC² s techniques bring about balance of subtle energies in those who practice these techniques, but this does not mean that EMC² is finding and removing actual disease. Instead, EMC² only finds and eliminates an individuals obstacles to their own ability to achieve well-being.

15OrangeButton 20 There is Always More

There is no beginning or end to eternity, of which we and everything are a part. This fact is reflected everywhere, from the vastness of the universe to the depths of the Energetic Matrix. While you exist (and you will always exist) there will always be more to learn, to discover, to experience, to become conscious of. For us, in our incarnations, there is always more. Perfection is not an end, it is what we strive for. With this in mind, the sacraments of EMC² are subject to continual adjustment as our awareness of the energetic environment grows.