Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness
A novel by EMC² Founders
Stephen Lewis & Evan Slawson

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Imagine a world in which the common cold is curable, where AIDS is just another infection, where cancer victims routinely experience spontaneous remission…

Used by thousands of people to-date, the futuristic techniques illustrated in this book are now available to you!

More than half a century after Einstein first described the energetic unity of the world, we are finally beginning to understand the spiritual and mystical implications of his discovery. Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness is about the miraculous possibilities that emerge when we view the universe as the spiritual manifestation of our unitive consciousness.

Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness illustrates the subtle-energy healing work available through EMC²’s AIM Program of Energetic Balancing.

Click to read endorsements of Sanctuary from many well-known people who have experienced energetic transformation through the AIM Program.


It is an extraordinary gift to be anywhere in the world and be able to make a call about an energetic imbalance and to wake up the next morning feeling great and ready for a new day. We feel that everyone should have the opportunity provided by Sanctuary.Jerry Moss. Co-founder of A&M Records
I have been fortunate enough to have worked with the real Max for over 3 years. I don’t know what I would do without him. I am a true believer in his energetic work. Sanctuary has nothing to do with personal faith — just well being. I don’t believe anyone can afford not to be a part of it.Courtney Cox

*A Note from EMC² on “energetic balancing”
We realize that there are many paths to consciousness, but we ask that as you choose to participate in an energetic healing ministry, you know that what is illustrated in Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness and on this web site is only offered by EMC².

Extensive energetic evaluation by Stephen Lewis of people using other energetic modalities reveals the continued presence of energetic imbalances that you can easily remove using the balancing energies provided by the AIM (All Inclusive Method) Program.

EMC² created the AIM Program in 1998 and is its sole source. The AIM Program is the result of revelations given to Stephen Lewis, and is the culmination of his life’s work. Roberta continues to develop the AIM Program; new balancing energies are revealed and added regularly. The AIM Program has the highest integrity, and our participants continue to receive powerful energetic results.

Roberta hosts a twice monthly, Everything is Energy Show to keep AIM participants informed of all new revelations and program updates and expansions.

Peace and blessings,

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