Below is a summary of the individual plan payment options, and the family plan option. One of the many incredible benefits of the AIM Program is that people can participate at a fraction of the cost incurred when office visits and evaluations were needed (the “pre-AIM” days). The family plan, first offered in 2003, is a dramatic price reduction for qualified family members. Your Facilitator can discuss the options with you, answer your questions and will review the forms with you before you submit them with your photo(s).

Aim Plans



A Year
  • 14 Months*
  • $2.82/day



a year
  • 14 Months*
  • $2.25/day



A year
  • 14 Months*
  • $1.41/day



A Year
  • 12 Months
  • $.098/day

* includes 12 paid months plus 2 free bonus months for paid-in-full individual programs.

Family Plan Savings

When you purchase a family plan, you save nearly 60% off an individual program. For $2,400 – any combinations of 5 family members, animals or houses can be combined for a family plan program. To qualify as family members, people must be related by blood, marriage, adoption, by being a member’s significant other or by being related to a significant other member. Only significant others must live in the same household.

Additional members –  $600 per Adult.
Children under 21 years of age $480.

Disability Reduction

We do offer a 50% price reduction for adult participants on permanent disability for 3 years or longer. Please contact us for more information at

Scholarship Programs

EMC² offers two complimentary scholarship programs for any individual with the frequency of Autism or Down Syndrome. To date hundreds of individuals with the frequency of Autism or the frequency of Downs Syndrome have received the AIM Program at no cost.