A night with Rich Little

AIM ProgramRoberta Hladek, LF100

Rich Little and Roberta Hladek after a night at the Tropicana

A fun night out reconnecting with a friend from the past…Rich Little. Stephen and I met him back in 1992. His show at the Tropicana Laugh Factory was amazing. The man is brilliant. We all laughed so hard. A great way to forget about any stresses and just relax and laugh. He also is a great artist. Something I never knew. He draws charcoal portraits of all those he impersonates and they are for sale. All proceeds go to the Wounded Warriors Project. What a great cause. When you come to Las Vegas or if you live here this is a MUST SEE. ‪#‎aimprogram‬ ‪#‎lifeforce100‬ ‪#‎everythingisenergy‬ ‪#‎aimforlife‬ ‪#‎beallyoucanbe‬ ‪#‎richlittle‬ ‪#‎woundedwarriorsproject‬