10% discount for firefighters, police and military active and retired with verification.

There are many program options when enrolling in the aim Program. The forms you need to get started are below. The online electronic forms (“e-forms” or “eforms”) should work with any web browser and operating system. The eforms allow you to save and retrieve again to finish later. You can sign them electronically. You can upload a photo. You can save a copy of any draft or submitted eform as a pdf so you have a record of your filled-in form.

Click on the titles or thumbnail images for the eforms. If for any reason you can’t use an eform, or simply prefer to use paper-style pdf forms, there are links to those as well.


Individual AIM Application


Complete one for each new person, pet or property enrolling on AIM.

Single $1200
Adding a Spouse $960
Child under 18 $600

This form lets you upload a photo.
Or, click here to download a paper-style pdf of the Individual Application.

Family Plan Form

For $2,400 – any combination of 5 family members, pets or houses can be combined for a family plan program. Complete this one-page form (one per family) in addition to Individual Applications for each person if you wish to save nearly 60% off each individual program.

The Family Plan form does not upload photos since they should
already be included with your Individual Application Form.
This is the only form you need to renew your family plan.
Or, click here to download a paper-style pdf for the Family Plan.

Renewal Application

Complete this one-page form to renew your individual AIM Program each year.
This form lets you upload a photo with your renewal, if desired.
Or, click here to download a paper-style pdf of the Renewal form.

Photo Upload Form

This one-page form lets you upload a photo, if needed.
This form is for AIM Program participants to upload a new photo, if needed or desired,
or to upload a new photo, if desired, for someone renewing on a Family Plan.
(There is no pdf version of this form, but you may send photos
via email or regular mail if you prefer.)