John & Lenora Helser enrolled their adult daughter, who has Autism, on The AIM Program. Watch as they share this amazing story of .

Hip-Hop pioneer and Mega-Star Rakim opens up about how he searched to find answers when his son Jabar began having . Rakim and Jabar believe The AIM Program was instrumental to their own .

Olympic swimmer Katrina Radke discusses The AIM Program and how she healed herself of chronic fatigue and went from invalid to a top-ranked swimmer in less than 2 years.

Burt Bacharach- Enrolled on AIM – December 1999
Internationally Known Composer and Performer.

“It would be unfortunate for anyone not to avail themselves of AIM Balancing.”Burt Bacharach

Linda Gray Enrolled on AIM December 1999
Actress, Goodwill Ambassador on Women's Issues to the United Nations

“The spiritual technology illustrated in : The Path to seems quite normal to me and to the many people I have sent to EMC². I have been a participant for many years.”Linda Gray

Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith – Enrolled on AIM – September 2001
Rev. Dr. Beckwith is known around the world as an inspirational speaker and spiritual leader. He is the head of the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT). For many years, Rev. Dr. Beckwith has shared his support of The AIM Program with congregations world-wide.

“We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent energetic field of consciousness. Healing modalities of the past millennium are quickly giving way to programs like The AIM Program.” Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith - Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, Los Angeles, CA