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Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
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16 testimonials contain the tag Colds.  They are sorted by name.
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Crestalee from Wisconsin - AIM participant since February 2012
Tags: Bad mood; Blood pressure; Cauda Equina Syndrome; Colds; Feet; High blood pressure; Hips; Hypertension; Knees; Miracle; Nerve damage; Numbness; Pain; Sanctuary; Triglycerides;
Crestalee describes how she used AIM to self-heal body pains that had progressively gotten worse.
Dalton from Nevada - AIM participant since April 2006
Tags: Colds; Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DDEB); Flu; Healing, rapid; Sunlight, tolerance to; Toe;
Our three year old son, Dalton, who suffered from Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DDEB), and constant colds and flu.
Karen from Hawaii - AIM participant since January 2004
Tags: Back; Breast cancer; Cancer, breast; Colds; Detox, energetic; Flu; Heart beat irregular; Immune system; Memory; Mental growth; Physical improvement; Seizures; Spiritual growth; Spirtual support; Zest;
"My energy levels started picking up... no more colds/flu." Karen tells us that she has seen "tremendous growth spiritually, mentally and physically." And after becoming an EMC² Facilitator, she sees marvelous results in others.
Karrol from Colorado - AIM participant since October 2005
Tags: Anxiety; Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD); Colds; Cyst; Depression; Detox, emotional; Emotional detox; Headaches; Immune system; Migraines; Schoolwork; Sinus infection; West Nile Virus;
At her one year anniversary on The AIM Program, Karrol reflects on her family's experiences and energetic transformations..
Kim from Nevada - AIM participant since April 2007
Tags: Back pain; Colds; Conscious healing; Depression; Doesn't get sick; Drug addiction; Emotional trauma; Family; Flu; Grateful for AIM; Meds; Neck pain; Pain; Rehab; Ritalin; Sanctuary;
After self-healing with the AIM Program, Kim's family is excelling, her depression has lifted and she reports that she no longer needs her meds. Kim's husband is a physician and he admits things are different on AIM.
Lora from Michigan - AIM participant since December 2009
Tags: Allergies; Colds; Depression; Detox, energetic; Grateful for AIM; Hormonal imbalance; Menopause; Miraculous; Respiratory; Sanctuary;
Lora describes how detoxing multiple frequencies on AIM helped her relieve herself of the severe allergies she suffered from, and also assisted her in weaning herself off of depression medication.
Matt from Indiana - AIM participant since January 2004
Tags: Awareness; Clear thinking; Colds; Creative ability; Energy; Healthier; Schoolwork; Shoulder Injury; Stronger; Surgery, healing without; Thinking ability;
"...healthier, stronger... have more energy than ever" "In the last year, I have not been sick once..." "I wake up most days rested, energized, and excited about the day..." I have been able to easily quit drinking alcohol..." And much more.
Maya from Wisconsin - AIM participant since December 2006
Tags: Colds; Down Syndrome;
Maya, a Down Syndrome child, experiences improved speech and reading skills, has more energy, faster recovery from colds.
Michael from Georgia - AIM participant since September 2002
Tags: Colds; Knee surgery; Mental healing; Severe Depression; Spiritual healing; Surgery, recovery after;
Michael tells us that his chronic depression disappears and doesn't return, he finally finished recovery from an old knee surgery and he doesn't get colds anymore. "I love what EMC² has done. It's been a life changing phenomenon for me mentally, spiritually, and physically."
Michael from Canada - AIM participant since March 2006
Tags: Colds; Congestion; Down Syndrome; Flu; Hearing; Hypothyroidism; Pneumonia; Respiratory; RSV;
Soon after Michael was born he was diagnosed with Down syndrome. He had holes in his heart (ASD's), hypothyroidism, severe hearing loss (right ear), severe hypotonia.
Noah from Oregon - AIM participant since September 2006
Tags: Autism; Bowels; Bronchial pulmonary dysphasia; Colds; Digestion; Gastronomy; Jejunastomy; Lungs; Microencephaly; Miracle;
Noah's mother describes how he used the AIM Program to self-heal his digestive and lung ailments.
Penny from California - AIM participant since August 2003
Tags: Allergies; Allergies, cat; Animals on AIM; Cat; Cold sores; Colds; Flu; Herpes; Pets;
Penny says that her cold sores haven't returned and her cat allergies went away. Now she even has her own cat! Plus she's happier, calmer and more relaxed.
Russell from Minnesota - AIM participant since January 2005
Tags: Colds; Intuition;
80-year-old poker player finds that his intuition has really sharpened up since he has been on The AIM Program, helping his game and other situtations. His frequent colds have disappeared since going on the tray.
Susan from Oregon - AIM participant since February 2007
Tags: Allergies, food; Autism; Colds; Flu;
I first found out about EMC² and The AIM Program back in February 2006 when my sister put her family on it. She told me they had a free scholarship program for children with Autism.
Suzenn from Colorado - AIM participant since February 2002
Tags: Bronchitis; Colds;
Suzenn describes how the AIM Program has helped with clearing her lungs from infections, and no longer uses pharmaceuticals.
Tamera from Montana - AIM participant since January 2011
Tags: Back pain; Colds; Confidence; Energy; Found my voice; Happier; Pain; Psoriasis; Self-assured; Well-being;
Tamera believes she used the AIM Program to self-heal her symptoms from psoriasis and "the back pain that had been a constant companion for decades has departed." In addition, her self-assurance and confidence are off the charts.

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