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Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
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16 testimonials contain the tag Animals on AIM.  They are sorted by name.
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Allan from Canada - AIM participant since December 2004
Tags: Allergies; Animals on AIM; Congestion; Dog; Headaches; Pets; Seasonal allergies; Seizures; Stomach upset;
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for The AIM Program. I have been on AIM for almost 2 years an I have found that my seasonal allergies are almost completely gone.
Angel from New Mexico - AIM participant since November 2002
Tags: Animals on AIM; Cataracts; Dog; Energy; Eyesight; Optimism; Pets; Skin;
Although I had researched energy medicine for years, I was skeptical of The AIM Program and decided to put it to the test.
Camille from California - AIM participant since February 2012
Tags: Animals on AIM; Blindness; Eyesight; Pets;
Josie describes how her cat self-healed being blind while on AIM.
Crystal from Louisiana - AIM participant since February 2010
Tags: ADHD; Allergies; Animals on AIM; Appetite; Dog; Pets; Vision;
Crystal explains how AIM helped her to improve her vision, how her son's ADHD behavior has improved, and how her Dog no longer has allergies.
Elliot from California - AIM participant since February 2008
Tags: Animals on AIM; Appetite, loss of; Diarrhea; Dog; Pets;
Elliot, a rescue dog, had chronic problems -- losing weight, loss of appetite, "feeling down", hardly moving around, throwing up, teary eyes, and diarrhea. After putting him on The AIM Program, "I feel that we have saved this dog's life." "It's amazing to see how quick an animal can self-heal.
Ester from United Kingdom - AIM participant since May 2011
Tags: Aliveness; Anger; Animals on AIM; Business; Depression; Detox, energetic; Dog; Emotional balance; Happiness; Lethargy; Pets; Relationship; Self-love; Sociability; Upset; Weight loss;
Ester describes how AIM helped her to emotionally self-heal and the changes seen in her dog.
Hemi P from California - AIM participant since September 2020
Tags: Animals; Animals on AIM; Cat; Eating problem; Pet; Pet aging; Pet energy; Pets;
AIM participant Anita P was told by the veterinarian that Anita's cat Hemi, 24 years old and blind, had not much time to live. Anita put Hemi on AIM and shortly Hemi began a remarkable recovery.
Janice from Florida - AIM participant since January 2008
Tags: Aging; Animals on AIM; Cat; Dog; Energy; Feline AIDS; Pet aging; Pet energy; Pets;
Janice describes how both her dog and cat used AIM to self-heal.
Jasper & Kourier from California - AIM participant since February 2003
Tags: Animals on AIM; Heart murmur; Horse; Joy; Vitality; West Nile Virus;
In January of 2003, my 23 year old morgan horse Jasper had a horrible reaction to the West Nile virus vaccine.
Judy from Minnesota - AIM participant since August 2000
Tags: Animals on AIM; Calm; Cat; Clarity; Happiness; Intuition; Joy; Pets;
I have been on The AIM Program for 5 years. I started AIM originally because of a medical diagnosis that I received, but I have come to value it for something much bigger.
Kelsey from California - AIM participant since July 2005
Tags: Animals on AIM; Canine Diabetes; Diabetes; Pets;
One of my 4 toy poodles was diagnosed with diabetes. She is my favorite dog and because of her, we all went on The AIM Program for Sacrament of Energetic Balancing.
Kit from Colorado - AIM participant since December 2006
Tags: Aging; Animals on AIM; Digestion; Dog; Health, overall; Overall health; Pets; Weight loss;
After joining AIM, 13-year-old dog Kit's health has improved immensely. She has lost excess weight and now plays like a puppy.
Lily & Jethro from Kentucky - AIM participant since May 2004
Tags: Alpaca; Animals on AIM;
Alpacas on the AIM Program produce more milk and and better fleece than the alpacas who are not on AIM.
Penny from California - AIM participant since August 2003
Tags: Allergies; Allergies, cat; Animals on AIM; Cat; Cold sores; Colds; Flu; Herpes; Pets;
Penny says that her cold sores haven't returned and her cat allergies went away. Now she even has her own cat! Plus she's happier, calmer and more relaxed.
Precious from New Mexico - AIM participant since March 2008
Tags: Animals on AIM; Cat; Fur loss; Mysterious illness; Pets; Spider bite;
A family cat on the tray has sudden loss of fur, diminished energy and damage to her face and ears. A year of veterinary treatments didn't help, but after her family self-heals on AIM they put Precious on the tray too. A story of miraculous recovery.
Tigger from Virginia - AIM participant since September 2005
Tags: Animals on AIM; Cat; Feline Lymphoma; Pets;
Tigger the cat goes on AIM and her vet is baffled when a suspected lymphoma disappears.

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