The AIM Program Weekly News
August 05-11, 2022

In This Issue

  • Newly Revealed Frequency Update:
    • Two new frequencies added to AIM
  • News and Resources:
    • Quote for the Week
    • Online AIM Application E-forms
    • AIM Featured Testimonials
    • Recommended Reading
    • EMC² Healing Meditation
    • AIM Scholarship Programs
    • The AIM Program on Facebook
  • AIM Testimonial:
    • Meda from Virginia... Meda's severe food allergies created immune system,kidney problems heart problems and more. Now: "I think it will not be too long before I can forget this whole chapter in my life." "I recommend energetic balancing to everybody."
  • EMC² Shop: Purchase your copy of Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness in paperback or on CD.
  • EMC² Buttons: Check out EMC² Buttons for sale.

Newly Revealed Frequency Update
As of August 04, 2022

Click here for a more-detailed explanation of the Newly Revealed Frequency Update

This week there were Two new frequencies revealed to us.

The first new frequency Acquired 6284, was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on August 1, 2022. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Coronary Artery, Aorta, Central Nervous System, Heart, Immune System, Small Intestine, Tricuspid Valve, Ventricle, Mitral Valve, Atrial Valve and Pulmonary Valve or wherever it is in you if you have it.
Unresolved emotional Etiologic Frequency: Anxiety.

The second new frequency Acquired 6285, was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on August 2, 2022. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Lumbar Vertebrae, Joints, Tendons, Lymphatic System, Feet, Connective Tissue and Nerves or wherever it is in you if you have it.
Unresolved emotional Etiologic Frequency: Discomfort.

News and Resources

Quote for the Week

Unknown Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered.

Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined.
Be Hopeful. Be empowered.

Online AIM application e-forms

EMC² now has online e-forms for Individual applications, Family Plan applications and Renewal applications plus a Photo Upload form for those who only need to upload a new photo. (The Individual and Renewal forms include photo upload capability too.) Online applications work with any modern web browser on any smartphone or computer.
To get to the online forms, please go to your Facilitator's website and choose "Applications" from the navigation menu on the left side of the page or if you don't know your Facilitator's website go to

AIM Featured Testimonials

Participants if you would like to be featured on our web site and newsletter, please talk with your facilitator or call our office regarding how to do a testimonial.

Recommended Reading

Redefining Aging: After Eternity, What?

EMC² Healing Meditation

If you're ready to supercharge your experience with the AIM Program, consider learning the techniques introduced in the EMC² Healing Meditation, available here:

AIM Scholarship Programs

As part of our outreach activities and continuous research, EMC² offers scholarships for those found to have the frequency of Autism, Down Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. Visit our web site for details AIM Scholarship Programs.

Visit the AIM Program on Facebook

To connect and share with us, please visit our Facebook page at

Join our discussion group on Facebook: Evolving In Consciousness With AIM

AIM Testimonial

Here is just one story of self-healing experienced by one of the tens of thousands of people who have utilized AIM to help unleash their innate healing capacity to achieve miraculous levels of well-being. We invite you to view others and take advantage of the convenient "search by keywords" feature which allows you to search through a wide array of topics. Click on the Testimonials tab at the top of and choose Written Testimonials or just click here.

Meda from Virginia

I am 68 years old. About eight years ago I had a major allergic reaction that sent my immune system into hyperdrive that did not go away. I almost lost kidney function, had hives, and my rheumatoid arthritis went into full attack. The pain gradually took over my life until it seemed like a field of pain extending out 6 to 8 inches all around. Also, while I had some allergies before, I was now seemingly allergic to everything man-made. Household cleaners, perfume, all medications, paint fumes, etc. would send me into vertigo and heart irregularities, my blood pressure would shoot up and I could not even carry on a sensible conversation. The heart irregularities scared me most. Also, eating became an ordeal of vomiting and esophageal spasms to the point that all I could safely eat was white rice and steamed broccoli with nothing but salt to flavor. The doctors could not treat me and I lived in fear of an EMT being called and not listening. Nobody seemed able to accept that anyone could be this allergic to her environment.

I learned of The AIM Program through a workshop Wayne Dyer recorded and took a chance. I had gone through two years of NAET treatment that had worked somewhat with my eating, but not at all with inhalants. It has been about three years now since I started participating in the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing through The AIM Program and at first my self-healing was slow. But now I can go to restaurants, most theaters and a number of stores, and do not throw up with food more than once a month or even less. My diet is restricted, but I think it will not be too long before I can forget this whole chapter in my life. The day I could eat a sandwich was the day I felt it was going to be OK, and the day I could eat meat on that sandwich my whole office celebrated.

I recommend energetic balancing to everybody.

Click here to go to this testimonial in the testimonials database.

EMC² Shop

Click here to purchase your copy of Sanctuary in paperback or on CD.

   Sanctuary-Straight_Small    SanctuaryOnCD-Small

"My work seems to indicate that energetic imbalances are transmitted through these subtle bodies (the casual body, the mental body, the energetic body, the spirit). They can be passed through many generations if not released. Often, families have common patterns of problems that plague each generation. These include imbalances that may affect the kidneys or the stomach or the brain or the spinal cord. These imbalances allow the body to get out of sync with its own processes, and sometimes result in a family pattern of early heart attack deaths or cancer, for instance. The frequency we call hereditary tuberculosis may manifest itself in low energy levels and a tendency to sweat a lot, because the hereditary tuberculosis frequency affects the kidneys and doesn't allow them to properly maintain fluid pressures in the body. As a result, the body eliminates excess fluid through the skin. Regardless of the symptomatology, though the energetic imbalances can be resolved, and when they are, my clients typically experience exceptional improvements in their sense of well-being."

Some of my clients have called me the karma doctor because the work I do seems to release them from the 'sins of the father' syndrome where they repeat the same kinds of patterns they have seen in their families. This extends into things like behavior and mood, because when a person achieves a state of energetic balance, the things that cause behavior and mood to fluctuate wildly go away, and their sense of self and self-esteem may improve dramatically. People find that many of the things they have come to accept as harsh facts of life are, in fact, energetic disturbances that can be easily erased."

~Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness page 67~

EMC² Buttons

3 Buttons for $2.75, including shipping and handling in U.S. (International orders add $2.90)

Click here to order your buttons

EMC² I'm 100, Are You? Button    EMC² Be the first in your family with no family history Button    AIM For Life Button

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