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The AIM Program Weekly News
August 27- September 02, 2021
In This Issue
Roberta Hladek on
Zoomer Times
Anita Finley
Zoomer Times
Click the Link to hear Roberta Hladek on Zoomer Times
Newly Revealed Frequency Update
As of August 26, 2021
Click here for a more-detailed explanation of the Newly Revealed Frequency Update
This week there were Two new frequencies revealed to us.
The first new frequency Hereditary 4971, was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on August 19, 2021. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Colon, Digestive Tract, Heart, Urinary Tract, Central Nervous System and Kidneys or wherever it is in you if you have it. Unresolved emotional Etiologic Frequency: Withdrawal.
The second new frequency Hereditary 4972, was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on August 19, 2021. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Bladder, Kidneys and Urinary Tract or wherever it is in you if you have it. Unresolved emotional Etiologic Frequency: Anxiety.
News and Resources
Quote for the Week
Anything is possible when you have inner peace.
Online AIM application e-forms
EMC² now has online e-forms for Individual applications, Family Plan applications and Renewal applications plus a Photo Upload form for those who only need to upload a new photo. (The Individual and Renewal forms include photo upload capability too.) Online applications work with any modern web browser on any smartphone or computer.
To get to the online forms, please go to your Facilitator's website and choose "Applications" from the navigation menu on the left side of the page or if you don't know your Facilitator's website go to AIMProgram.com/applications.
Recommended Listening
Animals, Relationships and The AIM Program
EMC² Healing Meditation
If you're ready to supercharge your experience with the AIM Program, consider learning the techniques introduced in the EMC² Healing Meditation, available here:
AIM Scholarship Programs
As part of our outreach activities and continuous research, EMC² offers scholarships for those found to have the frequency of Autism, Down Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. Visit our web site for details AIM Scholarship Programs.
Visit the AIM Program on Facebook
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Join our discussion group on Facebook: Evolving In Consciousness With AIM
AIM Testimonial
Here is just one story of self-healing experienced by one of the tens of thousands of people who have utilized AIM to help unleash their innate healing capacity to achieve miraculous levels of well-being. We invite you to view others and take advantage of the convenient "search by keywords" feature which allows you to search through a wide array of topics. Click on the Testimonials tab at the top of www.aimprogram.com and choose Written Testimonials or just click here.
I have been on the AIM Program since 2004 after reading the book Sanctuary.
I did a lot of research on AIM before I joined. I have to admit that at first I didn't understand it. But as I got to understand more about energy it became all to clear that this would be a good "insurance" of life force.
One of the biggest ah-ha moments of using AIM came when I was in a real estate transaction. The tenant of a property I was managing personally attacked me verbally. It was one of the most horrible experiences I have had in 25 years of real estate. This guy was belligerent and threatening. This was a million dollar property and at jeopardy was a lease renewal or sale to the tenant. This property was a special use property which meant there wasn't many tenants that would fit this property. In fact at the time there were none. The owners were anxious about a renewal and didn't want to risk losing the tenant. The tenant wanted the owners to sell at the value. After putting the property on AIM the whole tenor of the communications between the tenant and me changed. The tenant stayed on for 6 more years on a month-to-month lease!!! Something we never expected. When they finally moved 6 years later, we immediately found another tenant that fit the building perfectly. My wife and I are convinced it was this shift in energy that changed the outcome.
I look at the AIM Program as an insurance tool. We notice that life force in us is very very high compared to where we used to be. Its very very seldom that we get sick or have an injury. When we do we have always felt that our energetic balance helps us to "auto correct" right away.
The more I learned about energy and the more I use energy I find it fascinating how easy it is to be clear and on purpose.
When I explain it to others I ask "Have you ever asked for prayer for you or your family? Have you ever asked a group to pray for you?" If they answer Yes, I ask "Prayer is energy right? This is another form that is 'ON' all the time sending you frequencies to stay well and balanced."
Click here to go to this testimonial in the testimonials database.
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Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC 5502 South Fort Apache Road Ste 110 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 • USA 702-944-1801 • aimprogram.com
© 2019 Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC