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The AIM Program Weekly News
November 16-22, 2018
In This Issue
Newly Revealed Frequency Update:
• Two new frequencies added to AIM
News and Resources:
• Quote for the Week
• Online AIM Application E-forms
• Pre-filled-in Family Plan Application Renewal E-forms creation
• Recommended Listening
• EMC² Healing Meditation
• AIM Scholarship Programs
• The AIM Program on Facebook
AIM Testimonial:
• Jo from Minnesota...When I was told I had a brain tumor I only felt silence. Emptiness. Disbelief. My mind, especially in its new low functioning state, couldn't seem to react.
EMC² Shop:
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EMC² Buttons:
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Newly Revealed Frequency Update
As of November 22, 2018
Click here for a more-detailed explanation of the Newly Revealed Frequency Update
This week there were Two new frequencies revealed to us.
The first new frequency, Acquired 4231 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on November 19, 2018. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Blood Stream, Liver, Eustachian Tubes, Immune System, Lungs and Lymph Nodes or wherever it is in you if you have it. Unresolved emotional Etiologic Frequency: Anxiety.
The second new frequency, Hereditary 4232 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on November 20, 2018. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Liver, Central Nervous System, Urinary Tract, Chest Muscles, Throat, Heart, Thoracic Vertebrae, Blood Stream, Eyes and Gallbladder or wherever it is in you if you have it.
Unresolved emotional Etiologic Frequency: Moodiness.
News and Resources
Quote for the Week
Surely, in the light of history. It is more intelligent to hope rather than to fear. To try rather than not to try. For one thing we know beyond all doubt: Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says "It Can't Be Done"
Online AIM application e-forms
EMC² is excited to announce the availability of online e-forms for Individual applications, Family Plan applications and Renewal applications plus a Photo Upload form for those who only need to upload a new photo. (The Individual and Renewal forms include photo upload capability too.) Online applications work with any modern web browser on any smartphone or computer.
To get to the new online forms, please go to your Facilitator's website and choose "Applications" from the navigation menu on the left side of the page or if you don't know your Facilitator's website go to AIMProgram.com/applications.
Help with your Family Plan form
Having trouble filling in a Family Plan form? Don't know everybody's IDCode? We can help! If you are renewing a Family Plan, let us know you would like us to generate an e-form that is already filled in. We'll email you a link to a draft that you can edit and finish filling in as needed. Call the office or send an email to info@energeticmatrix.com to request this.
Recommended Listening
Misconception & Realities of Healing with AIM
EMC² Healing Meditation
If you're ready to supercharge your experience with the AIM Program, consider learning the techniques introduced in the EMC² Healing Meditation, available here:
AIM Scholarship Programs
As part of our outreach activities and continuous research, EMC² offers scholarships for those found to have the frequency of Autism, Down Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. Visit our web site for details AIM Scholarship Programs.
Visit the AIM Program on Facebook
To connect and share with us, please visit our Facebook page at
AIM Testimonial
Here is just one story of self-healing experienced by one of the tens of thousands of people who have utilized AIM to help unleash their innate healing capacity to achieve miraculous levels of well-being. We invite you to view others and take advantage of the convenient "search by keywords" feature which allows you to search through a wide array of topics. Click on the Testimonials tab at the top of www.aimprogram.com and choose Written Testimonials or just click here.
Jo from Minnesota
When I was told I had a brain tumor I only felt silence. Emptiness. Disbelief. My mind, especially in its new low functioning state, couldn't seem to react. The words were only an echo, some kind of crazy dream, not real. I say, "This really sucks!" The doctor agrees, "Yes, it does, and now we have to figure out what to do about it." Which means another doctor to meet more tests and another surgery. This time I was sure I wouldn't make it through. But I am amazed, I was still peaceful. Not afraid. I had the brain tumor removed. It was a benign meningioma- but very large, 6 cm, and was an 8 and 1/2 hour surgery. When I woke up from the surgery, I was surprised. Imagine, still alive! Wow! Now just get these tubes out of my nose and throat so I can breathe. Gratitude peace love. So many things to be grateful for. The wonderful doctors. Beautiful Hospital. Love and care at the rehab center.
I have been on The AIM Program for 1-1/2 years. I knew from the start that it was an important part of my self-healing, but on an intuitive level. Now I have experienced how energetic balancing has helped me heal myself. To have remained balanced, peaceful, and at ease through this whole process is a miracle for me. When I talked to my facilitator about this marathon healing journey, I was reminded that self-healing comes with self-awareness. The whole experience has been a progression piece by piece, one experience leading to another. The timing of each piece perfectly dovetailing with all the other pieces needed to complete the picture, each preparing me to accept what followed, and what I needed to see. I am so grateful for the self-healing opportunities of The AIM Program.
Click here to go to this testimonial in the testimonials database.
EMC² Shop
Visit our EMC² Shop to purchase AIM Program merchandise.
EMC² Buttons
3 Buttons for $2.75, including shipping and handling in U.S. (International orders add $2.90)
Click here to order your buttons
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Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC 5502 South Fort Apache Road Ste 110 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 • USA 702-944-1801 • aimprogram.com
© 2018 Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC