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Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.

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Addison from California - AIM participant since July 2008
Testimonial provided June 2010

Sarah describes how The AIM Program has helped her Autistic son Addison become more engaged with the world around him and develop better communication skills.
Tags: Autism; Grateful for AIM; Happier; Healthier; Immune system; Sensitivity to substances and emotions;

Testimonial #1

From my experience with everything I have incorporated into Addison's life I know that each element plays a role in his self-healing from which we all can learn. All of my interventions to assist in developing Addison's potential began soon after his diagnosis as autistic. [EMC² Note: soon after Ms. Roesling received the Autism diagnosis of her son, he was given a scholarship for The AIM Program].

Prior to any intervention Addison was a withdrawn little boy interested in visual stimulation and sensitive to anything harsh whether it was the negative energy of certain people or the unintentional intake of toxins through prescription drugs, vaccines, foods, shampoo, soaps and detergents. After being administered amoxicillin we ended up in Children's Hospital where they administered an antidote. I then used calendula lotion to sooth his skin and the next day he began to recover.

Addison joined The AIM Program and it immediately helped him. I remember his father spending the first weekend with Addison after being on The AIM Program and commenting afterward that it was the first time he felt like he had a son. I think The AIM Program has played a key role in Addison's receptiveness to other healing therapies he receives and lifestyle changes that have been made. The AIM Program, in assisting in the self-healing of the autistic, has demonstrated that anything is possible!

Today Addison is comfortable in his body. He is starting to form sentences and make eye contact with others. He has fewer sensitivities and a strengthening immune system. He reacts appropriately to things worth reacting to, engaging in play and able to identify things around him. None of these were noticeable prior his participation in The AIM Program. He continues to progress and he will continue to show me his unfolding world. Thank you for everything.

Mother of Addison, "autistic for a new world"

Testimonial #2

I have been procrastinating about writing the update report due for The AIM Program. It was difficult this time to articulate the details of Addison's progress. I am with Addison every day, so noticing the improvements is more challenging than if a period of separation had occurred. So, when I stood in his door this afternoon watching him play with his bulldozer I knew what I wanted to say in my update report to EMC².

Addison has accomplished many things since the last update, but one that comes to mind over all others is what I recognized as I stood in the doorway watching him imagine the bulldozer was real as he pushed it into motion. He not only recognizes many objects, but he uses his imagination to play with a toy version. This is a huge thing to see him grasp and he does it with stuffed animals and other toys as well.

My personal favorite accomplishment has been when I ask for a kiss. He knows exactly what that means. Every time he will immediately turn to you with a big grin, get up close, squeeze his eyes and mouth closed at the same time and say, "", as his sweet mouth plants a kiss you could never forget. This is next area of progress, understanding something asked of him. If I ask for an object on the floor, he can identify it and bring it to me. His ability to ask something of me has developed, but used less frequently. Who can say there is anything wrong with that? It is as if he just lives each moment as it approaches him rather than seeking out the moment.

With his developing knowledge of a variety of objects he also now counts to 20, recites the Alphabet, and identifies over 75 flash cards. He has also started to identify real-life objects by pointing to them. I think this is a big step in his communication with others. This tells me he is not only aware but inviting you to join him in that moment. It makes me very happy that Addison is much more aware of his outside world and the surrounding environment...children, animals, planes, stars, the moon and more. It too grows day by day. Though he still struggles with finding the right words or their proper order to form full sentences, it poses less of a challenge for us in understanding each other now.

I want to end by expressing my ever-lasting gratitude for being able to experience, with Addi, all we have through The AIM Program. I especially want to thank you for the time we now spend together...happy and healthy, rather than as a worried mother and an ever so sensitive boy. We spend days doing art or going to the park to blow bubbles. It sure beats the heck out of the hospital! Those days are not part of our world anymore. Thank you! You assisted us in getting on the right path of creation!

Mother of Addison, "autistic for a new world"

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