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Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.

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Lea from California - AIM participant since March 1999
Testimonial provided October 2006

I had not been feeling that great for quite some time, had tried many alternative modalities but nothing really worked long term. My intuition was telling me to take care of my liver so I had been careful with my diet for a number of years.
Tags: Cloud lifted; Energizer bunny; Friendships; Hepatitis C; Mood, better; Sanctuary; Well-being;

I had not been feeling that great for quite some time, had tried many alternative modalities but nothing really worked long term. My intuition was telling me to take care of my liver so I had been careful with my diet for a number of years. Still, I couldn't seem to get on top of my health and feel good.

Finally, I decided to get a blood panel to see what it would reveal. Rather shockingly, the results came back that I had Hepatitis C. I had no idea where I had gotten Hepatitis C until it dawned on me that I had been in a car accident in 1980 in Italy and had blood transfusions. In my research on the Internet, I found that my chances were 50/50 that I could have gotten Hepatitis C from the blood supply at the time because before 1990, the blood was not tested for Hepatitis C. The doctors told me my choices were Interferon and/or a liver transplant. I said thank you very much. I will look for a holistic way to heal myself.

During this time, I was working for the Whole Life Expo. One day, I happened to call Stephen Lewis about some detail of his speaking engagement at the Expo in the following month. He had his PR people send me Sanctuary to read so I would know what he was speaking about. Of course I found it totally fascinating but wanted to hear his lecture. Depak Chopra was also speaking at this Expo. On Saturday, Depak did a Power Point presentation about Quantum Physics that opened up this new way of thinking for me. And the next day, Stephen did his presentation and demonstration of The AIM Program which fit right in to what I had just learned. What an introduction it was for me! I was so excited by this incredible, resonating, new information that I decided, "if this is so, I have to know" and signed up for The AIM Program for a year.

First month, people asked me what I was noticing. "I think I am in a better mood." Then the fourth month, people started telling me how great I looked, what a better mood I seemed to be in. It was true. A cloud that had been hanging over my head had lifted. I realized I did feel better, like I hadn't felt in a long time. One of my best friends, who had known me for 25 years, saw the old girlfriend come back. The one who was adventurous and knew how to have a good time. I began to have this sense of well being that was remarkable. I was like the energizer bunny, you couldn't stop me. I believed I had healed myself of Hepatitis C.

Two years later, I had to take another physical which included a blood test for a Life Insurance policy. Both Time magazine and Newsweek magazine had recently come out with cover story articles about how epidemic was Hepatitis C so you KNOW the Life Insurance people were checking for it. A week or two later, they called me back with the results and said I was triple A rating which means I pay the least for my age group, AND I had no dread diseases that they could find. So now I knew that I had healed myself of Hepatitis C. Thank you AIM Program for making the tools available to me.

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