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Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.

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Suzanne from New York - AIM participant since March 2005
Testimonial provided March 2007

Nearly two years ago, my wonderful daughter sent me the book Sanctuary and asked only that I read it. I couldn't put it down!
Tags: Allergies; Diabetes; Dog; Pets; Quality of life; Sanctuary;

Nearly two years ago, my wonderful daughter sent me the book Sanctuary and asked only that I read it. I couldn't put it down! Having been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes 5 years prior, I was eager to join a family plan with her. Utilizing The AIM Program to assist in my journey to better health has been an amazing experience. After 10 months of self-healing with AIM, I was able to stop my diabetic medication, completely! My sugar levels are self regulated now, and my doctor has approved my "un-medicated" diet.

But wait...there's more! I'm also no longer allergic to pets, before self-healing on AIM, being near any animal would trigger severe allergic reactions, producing much sadness since my childhood. Now, I have my own adorable Boston Terrier, something I never considered remotely possible, adding even more joy to my life!

Self-healing with The AIM Program has helped me profoundly improve the quality of my life. I am so very thankful!

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