The AIM Program Weekly News
May 16-22, 2014
In This Issue
Everything is Energy Show Topics for
Episode #435 05/15/14:
• Stephen chooses to share things with us as he finds them, whether or not the meanings of the findings have all been revealed. He'd rather be viewed as
"stumbling" than pretending to be perfect or to have all the answers. This sharing is to help people better understand how they may be experiencing their own unique healing process.
• Newly revealed Hereditary imbalances added to the AIM database; yes, Stephen's imbalance-free status has changed.
• Frequency of immune deficiency will likely make some issues more prevalent in the near future, regardless of one's age.
• Discussed some "dominant" Hereditary frequencies, how they create weak areas in which acquired imbalances can settle, and one in particular that's energetically associated with addictive behavior, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
• Vast majority of frequencies are still of the "ricketsial" classification (remember the Glossary available on all our web sites).
• Continuing expansion of AIM and benefits of remaining on: frequency of MERS has been identified, related balancing energies now in the AIM database.
• For next week: a little "Sanctuary history" and discussion of "finding what's right" as written about on pages 142-144.
To download or listen to this week's Everything is Energy Weekly Show go to www.talkshoe.com/tc/1329.
Stephen's Everything is Energy Weekly Show
Thursday, May 22, 2014
9-10 AM (Pacific), 10-11 AM (Mountain), 11 AM-12 PM (Central), 12-1 PM (Eastern)
Please join Stephen Lewis, the developer of the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing and co-author of the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness for the latest on newly revealed hereditary imbalances (what they’re similar to, how they may manifest, how "rare" or common they may be) and enlightening discussions on Stephen’s ever-expanding research and testing techniques and their implications for the comprehensiveness of the AIM Program and our potential well-being as AIM participants.
To download or listen to this week's Everything is Energy Show, go to www.talkshoe.com/tc/1329.
To access past episodes, scroll down the page and click on the "Info" circle graphic to see episode descriptions and listen to or download any episode.
Questions? Please email them to energy@energeticmatrix.com with "E is E question" in the subject line.
Upcoming AIM Essentials Conference Call with Roberta Hladek
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
5:00 PM (Pacific), 6:00 PM (Mountain), 7:00 PM (Central), 8:00 PM (Eastern)
Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:00 AM (Australia/Canberra)
AIM Then and Now.
As the second person to be on AIM, and one of the "Keepers of the Trays", Roberta shares her unique perspective of how AIM and its Founders have evolved over the years.
Dial: 712-432-3100
Conference Code: 252700
To participate in "Q & A and comments" in the last half of the hour, simply press 5* on your phone to "raise your hand" on our virtual switchboard.
Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
As of May 15, 2014
This week there were four new Hereditary frequencies revealed to us.
The first new Hereditary frequency 8027 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on May 12, 2014. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Bladder, Kidneys, Urinary Tract, Prostate, Lymph Glands, Lungs and Respiratory System.
It may manifest itself through the unresolved emotional etiologic frequency of: Withdrawal.
The second new Hereditary frequency 8037 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on May 12, 2014. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Bloodstream, Circulatory System, Skin and Brain.
It may manifest itself through the unresolved emotional etiologic frequencies of: Guilt and Frustration.
The third new Hereditary frequency 8047 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on May 13, 2014. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Bloodstream, Circulatory System, Heart, Muscles, Joints, Lungs and Respiratory System.
It may manifest itself through the unresolved emotional etiologic frequency of: Impatience.
The fourth new Hereditary frequency 8057 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on May 13, 2014. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Skin, Mouth and Lymph Glands.
It may manifest itself through the unresolved emotional etiologic frequency of: Dissatisfaction.
Here is the update on past frequencies that were revealed and added to the AIM Program last week:
8017 We believe has balanced in all those AIM Participants who were clearing it.
Regarding the frequencies that have cleared, we clarify: "We cannot say with certainty or accuracy that they have cleared in all, because we cannot check all. Additionally, some heal more slowly because of underlying energetic weakness, such as the frequency of parasites."
REMINDER: Although the frequencies have balanced in those who are positive for them, we may have to allow our physical being to strengthen to notice the positive effects.
Click here for a more-detailed explanation of the Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
For more information on the latest frequencies you can listen to the Everything is Energy Show every Thursday morning from 9-10 AM (Pacific). (See the listing in Events.)
News and Resources
Quote for the Week
When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us.
Recommended Reading
AIM Q&A - What or how am I likely to feel while on AIM?
EMC² Healing Meditation
If you're ready to supercharge your experience with the AIM Program, consider learning the techniques introduced in the EMC² Healing Meditation, available here:
AIM Scholarship Programs
As part of our outreach activities and continuous research, EMC² offers scholarships for those found to have the frequency of Autism, Down Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. Visit our web site for details AIM Scholarship Programs.
Visit the AIM Program on Facebook
To connect and share with us, please visit our Facebook page at
AIM Testimonial
Here is just one story of self-healing experienced by one of the tens of thousands of people who have utilized AIM to help unleash their innate healing capacity to achieve miraculous levels of well-being. We invite you to view others and take advantage of the convenient "search by keywords" feature which allows you to search through a wide array of topics. Click on the Testimonials tab at the top of www.aimprogram.com and choose Written Testimonials or just click here.
Allan from Canada
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for The AIM Program. I have been on AIM for almost 2 years and I have found that my seasonal allergies are almost completely gone. This year I only had 3 to 4 days of sneezing compared to 3 weeks the year before and 2 months the year before that. Something that totally took me by surprise is that recently I went into a pharmacy to purchase something for my wife and realized it was the first time since summer 2005 that I went shopping in a drug store. Because of a sense of well being, I slowly stopped taking pills for all kinds of things such as headaches, allergies, stomach upset, congestion, etc. Last year I put my dog on for 6 months and the daily seizures that he was having almost completely disappeared (with the exception of a mild one several months apart). My only regret is having waited so long to find you.
Click on the link to purchase your copy of Sanctuary
"Any healing, any progress, any hope, any dispair is going to come from you. It is your energy that matters. I cannot give you my energy and I wouldn't dream of it. I need it for me. But I can help you find your energy."
~Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness page 182~
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