The AIM Program Weekly News
June 3-9, 2011
In This Issue
AIM Testimonial
Joyce from Arizona - Enrolled on AIM 1991
I have been self-healing through The AIM Program and its predecessors since 1991. I have seen many changes in myself that I can only attribute my self-healing to The AIM Program since I have not been involved in any other spiritual modalities or needed any medical care. What I am referring to, is how young I feel and look. I am a mature woman and many think I am 20 years younger than my chronological age. When I see photos of myself with my peers it is undeniable that I look years younger than they do. Many of my friends take numerous medications and have a difficult time moving around. Not me! I walk miles every day, take water aerobics, drive my convertible all over and chase my kitten around without getting tired. I guess you could say I am the ageless Grandma. All I can say is if it wasn't for the self-healing I have achieved with the anti-aging frequencies and the numerous others on The AIM Program, I know I would not feel or look the way I do!
Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
As of June 2, 2011
This week there were Three new Hereditary frequencies revealed to us.
The first new Hereditary frequency 6731 was revealed to us and added to The AIM Program on May 31, 2011. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract. It may manifest itself through the emotional components of: anxiety, insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. At this time we are not sure how common this frequency will be in AIM participants.
The second new Hereditary frequency 6741 was revealed to us and added to The AIM Program on May 31, 2011. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Nose, Sinuses, Lungs, Respiratory Tract and Ears. We believe this frequency is rare and will not be common amongst AIM Participants.
The third new Hereditary frequency 6751 was revealed to us and added to The AIM Program on May 31, 2011. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Blood Stream and Circulation. We believe this could be the primary cause of circulatory issues like varicose veins. It may manifest itself through the emotional components of: hostility, irritability, impatience and apprehension. At this time we believe this will be common amongst AIM participants.
Here is the update on past frequencies that were revealed and added to The AIM Program last week:
6668 we believe has balanced in any AIM participants who had it.
6711 was found in only one participant and we believe it has not balanced as of yet.
6721 we believe will balance in those participants who have it by the end of this weekend.
REMINDER: Although the frequencies have balanced in those who are positive for them, we may have to allow our physical being to strengthen to notice the positive effects.
Click here for a more-detailed explanation of the Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
For more information on the latest frequencies you can listen to the Everything Is Energy podcast every Thursday morning from 9-10 AM (Pacific). (See the listing in Events below.)
Stephen's article on Creations Magazine
Read the most current article Deconstructing/Reconstructing Humpty Dumpty written by Stephen Lewis and a book review on "Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness" in Creations Magazine online at www.creationsmagazine.com.
The AIM Program is now on Facebook
EMC² would like to announce that The AIM Program has a Facebook page. To connect and share with us, visit our page at
Cystic Fibrosis Scholarship Program
EMC² would like to announce our new Cystic Fibrosis Scholarship Program. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis they may qualify for a scholarship. Please contact your Facilitator or email us at
info@energeticmatrix.com for details.
Latest AIM Essentials Conference Call With Roberta Hladek
Understanding Special Rechecks - How They're Done And What The Results Mean And Don't Mean
Special rechecks are performed by EMC² for a participant on AIM 11 months or longer, who is experiencing a long-term energy imbalance. Discover why special rechecks are an important part of the continuing expansion of The AIM Program.
Everything Is Energy Weekly Podcast With Stephen Lewis
Thursday, June 2, 2011
9-10 AM (Pacific), 10-11 AM (Mountain), 11 AM-12 PM (Central), 12-1 PM (Eastern)
Please join Stephen Lewis, co-author of the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness and co-host Mike Connor as they explore the latest news about energy and how you can use it to shape and create your life. If everything is energy, then anything is possible! If one can understand the energetic components or frequencies of life and of disease, then you can apply a balancing frequency that eliminates the original imbalance.
To listen LIVE or download anytime, go to www.talkshoe.com/tc/1329.
Select the purple JOIN IN! graphic.
Scroll down the page to listen to past episodes.
If you would like to listen LIVE over the phone, dial 724-444-7444, call ID:1329
If you have questions for the Everything Is Energy show, please email them to energy@energeticmatrix.com. Or once you are logged in to the Talkshoe LIVE! chat window, you can type your question on the screen and click the green arrow button to submit it.
Stephen Lewis on
Rewiring Your Brain
With Dr Robert Rose
Stephen Lewis speaks about The AIM Program and how to align yourself with happiness and create a mindset that attracts success and excellence.
EMC² Shop
Visit our EMC² Shop to purchase AIM Program merchandise.
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Explanation of the Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
More Or Less About What We Don't Know
When a previously unknown hereditary imbalance is revealed to EMC² we try to tell AIM participants what we know about that imbalance. Unfortunately, it is quite easy for us to do that because we know so little about it that pertains to every AIM Participant. We only know about this imbalance in one person, the one in whom it was revealed. The good and bad news is that people are different.
We begin by informing you about how this imbalance manifests in the participant in whom it was found. Do you have this imbalance? We don't know. If you do have it, we still don't know how it manifests in you. We do know one thing: If you have been on The AIM Program for a year or more and you do have this hereditary imbalance, then physically, emotionally and spiritually it will be quite familiar to you because it will probably be similar to what you have already balanced. Each participant has imbalances that are "layered", and not all layers are created equal.
We also know this: however it manifests, it will be gone quickly, because once it is "exposed", you will detox it wherever and however you need to.
As a result of that, our consciousness is increasing, our Life Force is raised and our Biological Age has decreased. Now that is what The AIM Program is all about.
We will never stop looking.
For previous Newsletters, visit the EMC² Weekly News archives
Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC 5502 South Fort Apache Road • Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 • USA 877-500-3622 • aimprogram.com