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The AIM Program Weekly News
September 15-21, 2017

In This Issue

  • Events:
    Everything is Energy Show with Roberta Hladek
  • Newly Revealed Frequency Update:
    Four new frequencies added to AIM
  • News and Resources:
    • Quote for the Week
    • Recommended Listening
    • EMC² Healing Meditation
    • AIM Scholarship Programs
    • The AIM Program on Facebook
  • AIM Testimonial:
    • Debi from California... Debi's daughter had been sick for a year when she first read about The AIM Program. Debi hoped this would be the answer she was praying for. Her family had been on The AIM Program for six months and she has gotten better ever since.
  • EMC² Shop: Purchase your copy of Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness in paperback or on CD.
    Also available in Spanish via Amazon.
  • EMC² Buttons: Check out EMC² Buttons for sale.


Attention Everything is Energy Show

Roberta Hladek Everything Is Energy Show

Discontinuing Everything is Energy Shows

We have made the decision to discontinue the Everything is Energy Show, as our weekly Newsletters contain information on newly revealed frequencies, along with links to helpful AIM information and resources, as well as Founder Call and interview recordings.

You can, however, still access previous shows via 1329 (the call ID) in the search bar on the top right.

As always, if you have questions, please contact your Facilitator.

Newly Revealed Frequency Update
As of September 14, 2017

Click here for updated Explanation of the Newly Revealed Frequency Update

This week there were Four new frequencies revealed to us.

The first new frequency is Hereditary 2734 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on September 7, 2017. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Heart, Female Reproductive System, Breast, Mammary Glands, Urinary Tract, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver or wherever it is in you if you have it.
Unresolved Emotional Etiologic Frequency: Aggravation.

The second new frequency is Hereditary 2735 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on September 12, 2017. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Thyroid, Adrenals, Heart, Lungs, and Lymph Nodes or wherever it is in you if you have it.
Unresolved Emotional Etiologic Frequency: Apprehension.

The third new frequency is Acquired 2735 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on September 13, 2017. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Female Reproductive System, Breast, Lymph Nodes, Blood Stream, Lumbar Vertebrae and Tendons or wherever it is in you if you have it.
Unresolved Emotional Etiologic Frequency: Indecision.

The fourth new frequency is Acquired 2741 was revealed to us and added to the AIM Program on September 13, 2017. This frequency is believed to function within the energetic orbs of the Pancreas, Eustacian Tubes, Urinary Tract, Kidneys, Bladder, Brain and Adrenals or wherever it is in you if you have it.
Unresolved Emotional Etiologic Frequency: Impatience.

News and Resources

Quote for the Week

Kristen Butler Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.

Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.
~Kristen Butler~

Roberta Hladek

Misconception & Realities of Healing with AIM. With Roberta Hladek

EMC² Healing Meditation

If you're ready to supercharge your experience with the AIM Program, consider learning the techniques introduced in the EMC² Healing Meditation, available here:

AIM Scholarship Programs

As part of our outreach activities and continuous research, EMC² offers scholarships for those found to have the frequency of Autism, Down Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. Visit our web site for details AIM Scholarship Programs.

Visit the AIM Program on Facebook

To connect and share with us, please visit our Facebook page at

AIM Testimonial

Here is just one story of self-healing experienced by one of the tens of thousands of people who have utilized AIM to help unleash their innate healing capacity to achieve miraculous levels of well-being. We invite you to view others and take advantage of the convenient "search by keywords" feature which allows you to search through a wide array of topics. Click on the Testimonials tab at the top of and choose Written Testimonials or just click here.

Debi from California

My daughter had been sick for a year when I first read about The AIM Program. I hoped this would be the answer I was praying for. Our family has been in The AIM Program for six months and she has gotten better ever since. I was hoping it would help her, but I had an unexpected bonus. My son, who is eleven years old, always had learning difficulties. We've been to many tutors, learning programs, whatever any one suggested we tried. He never improved more than slightly. After being on the trays I began to notice improvement in his behavior. He was much more co-operative and loving. Then one day, while doing his home work, I was expecting the same old struggle and tears when he looked at me and with a surprised expression on his face "I can think, I can do it." He really could do it. I absolutely love this program. Thank You!

EMC² Shop

Click here to purchase your copy of Sanctuary in paperback or on CD..

   Sanctuary-Straight_Small    SanctuaryOnCD-Small

"I think he's easing old karmic patterns. Karma, in the Eastern view, is intrinsically bad because it ties the spirit to old habits and old fates, which are repeated until some lesson is learned. The work Max does releases these things very quickly. Starting with gross imbalances and working through subtler and subtler energetic layers, he works with the body, mind, and spirit, clearing out old baggage. The end result is an individual who is free to make choices because he or she is no longer carrying the burden of the past."
~Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness page 112~

EMC² Buttons

3 Buttons for $2.75, including shipping and handling in U.S. (International orders add $2.90)

Click here to order your buttons

EMC² I'm 100, Are You? Button    EMC² Be the first in your family with no family history Button    AIM For Life Button

~ For previous Newsletters, visit the EMC² Weekly News archives ~