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The AIM Program Weekly News
November 25-December 01, 2016

In This Issue


Everything is Energy Show

Thursday, December 01, 2016
9-10 AM (Pacific), 10-11 AM (Mountain), 11 AM-12 PM (Central), 12-1 PM (Eastern)

Roberta Hladek Everything Is Energy Show

Please join Roberta Hladek, co-founder of EMC2 and the character Jennifer in the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness for the latest on newly revealed hereditary imbalances (what they’re similar to, how they may manifest, how "rare" or common they may be) and enlightening discussions on our ever-expanding research and testing techniques and their implications for the comprehensiveness of the AIM Program and our potential well-being as AIM participants.

To download or listen to this week's Everything is Energy Show, go to

Or call in via telephone: 724-444-7444
Talkcast ID:1329#
1#-To log in as a guest.

To access past episodes, scroll down the page and click on the "Info" circle graphic to see episode descriptions and listen to or download any episode.

Questions? Please email them to with "E is E question" in the subject line.

Newly Revealed Frequency Update
As of November 24, 2016

This week there were No new frequencies revealed to us.

Click here for a more-detailed explanation of the Newly Revealed Frequency Update

For more information on the latest frequencies you can listen to the Everything is Energy Show Thursday December 01, 2016 morning from 9-10 AM (Pacific). (See the listing in Events.)

News and Resources

Quote for the Week

unknown Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

Tips For Successful Self-Healing

EMC² Healing Meditation

If you're ready to supercharge your experience with the AIM Program, consider learning the techniques introduced in the EMC² Healing Meditation, available here:

AIM Scholarship Programs

As part of our outreach activities and continuous research, EMC² offers scholarships for those found to have the frequency of Autism, Down Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. Visit our web site for details AIM Scholarship Programs.

Visit the AIM Program on Facebook

To connect and share with us, please visit our Facebook page at

AIM Testimonial

Here is just one story of self-healing experienced by one of the tens of thousands of people who have utilized AIM to help unleash their innate healing capacity to achieve miraculous levels of well-being. We invite you to view others and take advantage of the convenient "search by keywords" feature which allows you to search through a wide array of topics. Click on the Testimonials tab at the top of and choose Written Testimonials or just click here.

Janice from Florida

My dog, (a Bichon Frise named Mac) will be 12 in Oct. 2012. He participated in the AIM Program for 3 years. During that time his yearly visits to the vet consistently gave him a clean bill of health. Our vet even went so far as to state that his heart was as healthy as a teenager's! He ate well and seemed full of energy and joy.

After being on AIM for 3 years and doing so well, I decided to remove him from my Family Plan in order to make room for a different family pet. In less than a month Mac began acting like an old dog! His energy level and strength became very low. Whereas he had always been able to jump effortlessly up onto our high bed in the Master bedroom, he would no longer even try to jump but begged to be picked up instead!

The swinging door (for humans) dividing the main part of our house from the hall/bedrooms also became an "issue" for him. Previously Mac was able to swing the door open for another family dog to go through (by standing on his hind legs against it) and then go through it himself. He totally lost the ability and would stand pathetically at the door waiting for human help.

Our vet always said that dogs can't tell you when something is wrong, so you must learn about what's going on with them by observation. What I observed was very discouraging. After 3 months I renewed Mac's AIM participation. Almost immediately he became "his old self" again, acting young, strong and energetic! He now easily jumps up on the bed again and opens the swinging door! I attribute these benefits to his being on AIM Program again.

My daughter adopted a beautiful stray kitten. After only a few months the kitten began throwing up most of her food. I tried a great variety of cat foods, even cooking her organic chicken and ground beef and wild caught salmon. Sadly, nothing helped. Sable (the cat) became thinner and thinner. I took her to our vet, who informed us that she was suffering from feline AIDS. We were told that she probably didn't have long to live, and were provided with different cat foods to try. Still, nothing worked, she seemed to be losing interest in even eating anything.

By the time I contacted my facilitator to ask whether there was a balancing frequency for the frequency of feline AIDS, we were feeling truly desperate! Fortuantely there is such a frequency available. I immediately requested that Sable be started on the AIM Program. Within only a month, there was a noticeable difference. She has continued to heal herself, eagerly eats everything offered, has gained weight and looks like a healthy cat! We are so-o-o-o grateful! Thanks AIM!

EMC² Shop

Click here to purchase your copy of Sanctuary in paperback or on CD..

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"The human body is the most sensitive radio receiver ever made."
~Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness page 83~

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