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Animals on AIM: Conscious Creatures of Healing
By Roberta Hladek

We are often asked about the effectiveness of The AIM Program when it comes to pets and animals. Many people have heard of the EMC² principal "everything is energy and everything is consciousness." This principle becomes very apparent when you begin to study the healing patterns of the animal kingdom.

Before there was Fosdick, the star cat of Sanctuary, there was also a cat called "Maybe." Stephen still has Maybe and is sometimes overheard to say "Maybe he will keep her, Maybe he won't". When Maybe wasn't feeling well, she would jump on the chair next to the desk that held the Quantum Consciousness Evaluation Device (QED) and cry until we tested her. Once she had received the balancing frequencies, she would stop and not move a muscle for a couple of seconds as if she felt the energy. Once she recognized that she had gotten what she needed to self-heal, she went along on her way. There was another incident where Maybe had a feline disease for which there was no treatment. We had the vet give us a sample, Stephen found its frequency and by the next day she was much better. The point is, we believe she learned about our computer and communicated to us whenever she needed us to check her.

With the evolution of AIM, the balancing frequencies are now delivered 24/7. If you ever come for a tray tour at the EMC² office in Las Vegas, Nevada, you'll get the unique pleasure of meeting two very important executives, Hazel and Sugar Cane. Hazel and Sugar Cane are our two office cats and they have been on the AIM Energetic Balancing trays since birth. While we humans are busy applying our consciousness to heal ourselves of all kinds of issues, its interesting to note that many of our four legged friends seem to naturally self-heal at a much faster pace.

When a new participant enrolls in The AIM Program, we do an initial life force check and it is quite common to see the initial life force reading of a 1 or a 2. When EMC² first began its ministry , we routinely saw life force measures in the 50's and 60's for humans. The life force ranges dropped over time. Interestingly, today many animals that start The AIM Program have a much higher life force than a human. It is quite common to see dogs and cats with an initial life force in the 90s. Usually the animals reach a life force level of 100 within the first few months on the tray. We hear routinely from participants who send us stories of their pets self-healing. We received this note from one our participants.

"Tigger, one of my two cats, had been to the vet with a growth on his side. The vet told me what to watch for (change in size, color, etc.). When it was time for me to renew myself for another year of energetic balancing with The AIM Program, I put both of my cats on as well. Shortly thereafter, I was checking Tigger and found the lump felt larger. I called the vet and took him in the next day. When we got there, the lump was gone! Not a sign of where it had been. The vet was totally baffled because he had registered it on a previous visit. He even showed me where he had written it on Tigger's chart. The cat is now fine, no lump at all! I am so thankful that my cat was able to self-heal through the energetic balancing of The AIM Program."

I recalled a few years ago that exact thing had happened when we had an office cat with tumors throughout his body. I took the cat to the vet and he believed the tumors were cancerous. We decided to provide energetic balancing for the cat and within about three weeks, the tumors had all shrunk. We believe the ability of pets to heal themselves is sometimes more surprising to people than humans self-healing.

Energetic balancing is a form of prayer. Yet the power of suggestion, "you know energetic balancing frequencies are being provided so you heal yourself," is not applicable for pets. Surely the pets are not aware that the frequencies of energetic balancing are available to their consciousness and yet many times, within days or weeks they seem to greatly advance their own self-healing. Many of the same frequencies found in the consciousness of humans are likewise found in pets, but interestingly it may take months for humans to clear the energetic imbalance while it will leave in a few days or even hours for an animal.

While cats "may think" they are the only animals smart enough to self-heal the reality is there are hundreds of other animal healing stories. We received a testimonial from a happy dog owner who had written to tell us his dog had diabetes and the vet had done all he could do for her. The owner put the dog on AIM and within a couple of months her diabetes was self-healed. We also heard from a contented horse owner who said her horse kept throwing it's rider every time she would try to get on him. Once he cleared his energetic imbalances manifesting in his back, he no longer felt the need to buck. The stories of self-healing aren't even limited to domestic pets. One of my favorite stories in Sanctuary is on page 152. The AIM Program was used to help a whale self heal it's skin disorder and begin eating….like a whale!

During the course of studying dolphins and whales scientists have found that dolphins and whales have a very large vocabulary and are quite smart. We may not be able to understand their language, but once again they are trying to educate us….everything is consciousness.

These are all wonderful stories about AIM and how animals communicate on another level to balance their imbalances. The AIM Program works in units of consciousness and that is why a hologram of your favorite animal can be placed on the tray and they can benefit. But we can't describe this process to you in consciousness, we need to describe it to you in words. Because of this we must use language to convey what the AIM program is so that human beings can understand and benefit. What can animals teach us about healing? I believe they are trying to share that everything is consciousness and, when it comes to self-healing, anything is possible.

With thousands of people on the trays, we are excited that nearly every type of creature from exotic birds to champion race horses have made their way to EMC²'s AIM Program. We know that these animals can't write and tell us, but we are glad they are on this energetic journey with us.

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