The AIM Program Weekly News
March 8 - 14, 2013
In This Issue
Everything is Energy Show Summary
Here's the summary from 3/7/2013
Episode #377 Notes:
No previously unknown Hereditary imbalances have been revealed since 2/26/2013. This means that Stephen, and many others, have joined the ranks of those with no remaining hereditary imbalances showing in them "energetic virgins". At least this is true for Stephen so far, since his last Hereditary imbalance cleared in him late in the day on 3/5/2013. This does not alter the need to continue rechecks, as there may always be someone with some unknown imbalance still hidden in their consciousness.
However, a previously unknown, long-term, acquired and chronic viral imbalance was found in someone, an imbalance that is similar to a number of things and that likely has been present in anyone who has it for many, many years, perhaps 50 or more depending on their age. From the limited testing Stephen has done since finding it, it seems to be fairly common, and he seems to only be able to detect it in people who have detoxed all their Hereditary imbalances. This simply means that it seems if you are detoxing a known imbalance, if you have this acquired one, it is masked. Stephen does have this one. It could impact a number of energetic orbs, resulting in many different things such as neck pain, fatigue, spaciness, headaches, skin issues, swollen glands, leg cramps and more. The balancing energies to help heal this will go on the AIM trays today, allowing anyone who has this to heal it, likely by the end of the weekend.
This is another "not self-limiting" acquired imbalance, meaning it's not something people could heal on their own, even if they've been on AIM for years. The help of the balancing energies for it are needed, and weren't on AIM until today. This is yet another great reason to remain on AIM, as this is likely not the only long-term, chronic imbalance that was left to be found. Stephen said that energetically, once you heal/remove an imbalance you acquire, it becomes self-limiting should you acquire it again - you have learned how to overcome it. This is in contrast to taking something to "treat" the symptoms or "kill" it.
Stephen explained that part of his checking process includes a quick check for the presence of any of the most recently found acquired imbalances. Outside of special rechecks, previously unknown acquired imbalances are something he checks certain people for regularly, and are another reason he checks the news daily. He doesn't need any volunteers for these things as he has or knows people worldwide, should something be reported as being present in another country.
With no new Hereditary imbalances revealed, and with the last two (added over a week ago) detoxed in most people who had one or both of them, Stephen will be getting through the outstanding special rechecks much more rapidly. Again, these rechecks are for the purpose of identifying previously unknown imbalances, things for which there are not yet balancing energies on AIM, whether hereditary or chronic-acquired. After that, there will be more time to focus on any remaining DCEI's (dominant constitutional emotional imbalances) and additional enhancing and anti-aging energies.
Stephen's Everything is Energy Weekly Show
No show scheduled for Thursday, March 14, 2013.
Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
As of March 7, 2013
This week there were no new Hereditary Frequencies revealed to us.
Here is the update on past frequencies that were revealed and added to the AIM Program last week:
7511 we believe has balanced in all those AIM Participants who were clearing it.
7521 we believe will balance in all those AIM Participants who are clearing it by the end of this weekend.
Regarding the frequencies that have cleared, we clarify: "We cannot say with certainty or accuracy that they have cleared in all, because we cannot check all. Additionally, some heal more slowly because of underlying energetic weakness, such as the frequency of parasites."
REMINDER: Although the frequencies have balanced in those who are positive for them, we may have to allow our physical being to strengthen to notice the positive effects.
Click here for a more-detailed explanation of the Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
For more information on the latest frequencies you can listen to the Everything is Energy Show every Thursday morning from 9-10 AM (Pacific). (See the listing in Events.)
News and Resources
Quote for the Week
~Albert Einstein~
Office Will Be Closed
We will be closed on Thursday, March 14th in observance of Einstein's Birthday and will be back in the office on Monday, March 18th.
Recommended Reading
Deconstructing/Reconstructing Humpty Dumpty by Stephen Lewis.
EMC² Healing Meditation
If you're ready to supercharge your experience with the AIM Program, consider learning the techniques introduced in the EMC² Healing Meditation, available here:
AIM Scholarship Programs
As part of our outreach activities and continuous research, EMC² offers scholarships for those found to have the frequency of Autism, Down Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. Visit our web site for details AIM Scholarship Programs.
Visit the AIM Program on Facebook
To connect and share with us, please visit our Facebook page at
AIM Testimonial
Matt from Wisconsin
I went on the AIM Program in September of 2006 after reading Sanctuary. My wife went on one month later. Since she was two-months pregnant, we got two for the price of one! Our son, George, was born in June 2007. He was a pound more than his birth weight at his 1-week check-up. People always comment on his alertness for such a young baby and his strength. Also, George came out with a life force of 100! That's such peace-of-mind to us as parents. We were at a "1" when we enrolled, although a year later we are at 100. And now we just enrolled him on the family plan to keep all of us at 100. The self-healing of the AIM Program has brought all sorts of positive changes to our marriage, our finances, and our goals. The results of our self-healing are manifesting and I'm so glad to know that AIM is the real thing.
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Explanation of the Newly Revealed Hereditary Frequency Update
More Or Less About What We Don't Know
When a previously unknown hereditary imbalance is revealed to EMC² we try to tell AIM participants what we know about that imbalance. Unfortunately, it is quite easy for us to do that because we know so little about it that pertains to every AIM Participant. We only know about this imbalance in one person, the one in whom it was revealed. The good and bad news is that people are different.
We begin by informing you about how this imbalance manifests in the participant in whom it was found. Do you have this imbalance? We don't know. If you do have it, we still don't know how it manifests in you. We do know one thing: If you have been on the AIM Program for a year or more and you do have this hereditary imbalance, then physically, emotionally and spiritually it will be quite familiar to you because it will probably be similar to what you have already balanced. Each participant has imbalances that are "layered", and not all layers are created equal.
We also know this: however it manifests, it will be gone quickly, because once it is "exposed", you will detox it wherever and however you need to.
As a result of that, our consciousness is increasing, our Life Force is raised and our Biological Age has decreased. Now that is what the AIM Program is all about.
We will never stop looking.
For previous Newsletters, visit the EMC² Weekly News archives
Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC 5502 South Fort Apache Road • Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 • USA 877-500-3622 • aimprogram.com