Interviews & Events
For The Week Of November 2nd - 8th, 2009
Free TeleClass With Evan Slawson & Catherine VanWetter
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
4-5:30 PM (Pacific), 5-6:30 PM
(Mountain), 6-7:30 PM (Central), 7-8:30 PM (Eastern)
Please join Evan Slawson and Catherine VanWetter to explore Honoring Your Past.
Evan and Catherine invite you to look at who you are with loving kindness and compassion. When you release yourself from who you think you are, separating the facts from your "story", then you can fully step into the wholeness and perfectness of who you are. Embrace the present and step confidently into the future.
To register for this interactive TeleClass, visit www.totheheartofthematter.com/teleclass
Scroll down the page and enter your name and email address.
Introduction to The AIM Program With Roberta Hladek
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
5:30-6:30 PM (Pacific), 6:30-7:30 PM
(Mountain), 7:30-8:30 PM (Central), 8:30-9:30 PM (Eastern)
Are you looking to create more well-being, joy, love, success and energy in your life? Tune in to hear Roberta Hladek, founder of EMC² give and introduction to The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing. Find out why more than 50,000 people have used The AIM Program to self-heal in all areas of their life.
Roberta has been working closely with Stephen Lewis since 1987 studying subtle energy and she currently serves as the Vice President of Operations of EMC². Roberta has a degree in homeopathy and is the inspiration for the character "Jennifer" in the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness, co-authored by founders Stephen Lewis and Evan Slawson.
Dial: 605-475-6402
Passcode: 820166#
Everything Is Energy Weekly Podcast With Stephen Lewis
Thursday, November 5, 2009
9-10 AM (Pacific), 10-11 AM
(Mountain), 11 AM-12 PM (Central), 12-1 PM (Eastern)
Please join Stephen Lewis, co-author of the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness and co-host Mike Connor as they explore the latest news about energy and how you can use it to shape and create your life. If everything is energy, then anything is possible! If one can understand the energetic components or frequencies of life and of disease, then you can apply a balancing frequency that eliminates the original imbalance.
To listen LIVE or download anytime, go to www.talkshoe.com/tc/1329
Select the purple JOIN IN! graphic.
Scroll down the page to listen to past episodes.
If you would like to listen LIVE over the phone, dial 724-444-7444, call ID:1329
If you have questions for the Everything Is Energy show, please email them to energy@energeticmatrix.com. Or once you are logged in to the Talkshoe LIVE! chat window, you can type your question on the screen and click the green arrow button to submit it.
For more upcoming events, visit our website schedule
Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC 5502 South Fort Apache Road • Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 • USA 877-500-3622 • aimprogram.com
© 2009 Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC - All rights reserved